What are the types of Female Escorts working in Prostitution?
Commitment to prostitution in a professional context made the division of the oldest craft and classified prostitutes by categories. There are Mumbai Call Girls who practice this profession occasionally, often in the form of “part-time” work, but also those who are completely committed. On the other hand, new terms and selection are being imposed when it comes to dealing with the oldest craft. One of them, which occupy the public’s attention the most, is turbo prostitution.
We will start from the lowest ladder in the category, and that is street prostitution, which is represented in certain locations, convenient for stopping cars, trucks… where prostitutes provide cheap services risking their health, but also their lives. In India, prostitution is still not legalized, so, more or less, all categories of this industry are under attack.
“Legal” prostitution is one where it is almost impossible to prove payment for services. Namely, women receive small gifts, the oldest craft is not their primary occupation, in fact, they do not deal with it on any basis. They have one “customer” or a small number of them. Without emotions, and in order to earn or status, they engage in affairs with both single men and married people. The closest thing is to determine them as sponsors.
Mumbai Escorts Starlets or turbo prostitutes are media-exposed people who appear in reality shows, some stray into musical waters, presenters… and essentially have no basis for further career or official profession. Their price grows in proportion to their appearance in the media. Aesthetics are almost inevitably overemphasized and surgically reshaped to acquire certain and desirable attributes that evoke erotic urges.
Elite prostitution, although most classify it with the above, is something completely different. In this case, often, they are highly educated women, some are even married, they are engaged in their official profession for which they were educated, and for additional earnings, according to a strictly discreet agreement, they provide sexual services to equally elite customers. If they are also subjected to aesthetic procedures, they look decent and do not exceed the limit of good taste.
Clients who seek this type of satisfaction, which they pay for, differ in almost identical criteria as love sellers. There are endless motives, from curiosity, fetishes, life stages, types of entertainment… Even psychologists cannot give a precise answer to the question why there is prostitution and why a healthy and young man is willing to pay to share company with the queens of the night.
The notion of elite prostitution is common in many western countries, in a more or less undisguised form. There are a number of companies, agencies, websites that provide such services, mostly openly. The term elite is associated with exclusivity and implies the provision of services in luxury hotels, on yachts or in luxury homes. Some of the former models, who figure as successful entrepreneurs, could possibly say something about elite prostitution in Croatia, although almost no one can say what exactly they do, and they are in fact primarily focused on foreign markets.